
Web designing is not just a commercial, technical undertaking, but an aesthetic skill. One has to concentrate on content as well as visuals. One of the most important factors that determine the visual quotient of your website is the moderation, mixture and application of different colour schemes.

Choosing the right colour, using a good balance, sharpening the contrast when necessary—all of these help enhance the aesthetic appeal of your website. Different colours have personal meanings for different viewers, but more importantly, they have certain general associations, which you could use to your advantage. Different websites have different colour demands, and it is a good idea to in some deep thought before choosing the colours that represent your site.

Different colours give out different messages. So depending on what kind of website you are designing, you should be careful about varying, combining colours. For instance, Green is one of those colours that has an extremely soothing effect, especially if you’re using a spring shade. This is because green is immediately associated with the natural world, which is always associated with tranquillity and equanimity. So green is a good colour for a website that deals with spirituality, environment, meditation, peace.

Blue is a corporate colour. It is a good choice for entrepreneurial site, as it is a colour that is associated with assurance, efficiency, accuracy, strength. It is also a peaceful colour. It is associated with the watery world, which is often a source of peace, stamina. It is also associated with the sky, which again, is associated with ambition and reaching upwards. It is one of the most commonly used colours for business and technology websites.


Black can be used to create a variety of effects. Black can evoke very strong reactions, so be careful how you use it. It can be used to create an aura of mystery and secrecy. It is extremely useful as a background in websites that display photographs video thumbnails. It sets off other colours by contrast. It is a good choice for art websites, or even online comic strips.

Grey is quite a dull colour, so it can be used to create an effect of urbane decadence. Purple is a colour that is associated with richness, luxury, royalty. It is a good colour for websites that are selling drapes or fashion clothes. It gives a certain degree of class and sophistication to the content. It can also create a mood of indolence and opulence. It is quite a grand colour, and can be used to give an impression of flair and flamboyancy.

Colours like orange and yellow are associated with youth and energy, They add oodles of zing to your website, but they are daring colours and may not be to everyone’s liking, so you have to use them with discretion. Use them in requisite amounts, and don’t use them in large quantities, as they can be quite a turn off for some.

These could be perfect colours for websites dealing with youth initiatives and enterprises.